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當前位置:新聞資訊 > 德國馬爾數顯指示表一一由你作主。 新聞中心


點(diǎn)擊次數:1180次  更新時(shí)間:2019-04-12


          In many applications digital indicators are becoming so powerful that they are taking on the performance and features of bench amplifiers. It is not uncommon to find features such as dynamic measurements, multiple factors, unilateral tolerances, different output formats, and micro-inch resolutions in higher end digital indicators. And while they may be high-end for digital indicators, they are still about a quarter of the price of a bench amplifier and probe.

         This is a great benefit for the company. They can get a very powerful indicating device to replace a bench amplifier or upgrade a dial indicator for a very cost-effective price.

        For the user, upgrading from a dial to digital indicator may be a sudden technology shift. For years the operator was interpreting the pointer's position to read the measurement. In many ways, the human brain is like an analog device, and it can often gather more information more quickly from an analog readout. I have seen QC inspectors make consistently accurate go/no-go readings with dial indicators even before the pointer has stopped moving! They can tell at a glance approximately where the pointer will stop, and in many applications, that is close enough.
       對于用戶(hù)來(lái)說(shuō),從刻度盤(pán)升級到數顯指示表應該是技術(shù)突變。多年來(lái),操作者是通過(guò)指針的位置讀取測量數據。在許多方面,人類(lèi)的大腦就像一個(gè)模擬裝置,它通??梢詮囊粋€(gè)模擬讀數中更快地收集更多的信息。我曾經(jīng)見(jiàn)過(guò)一個(gè)質(zhì)檢員可以始終做出準確的GO/NG判斷,甚至在指針還未停止時(shí)都能準確判斷!他們可以一眼估出指針大約將會(huì )停止在哪里,并在許多應用中,數據足夠接近。

         Skilled operators can also "split grads" with dial indicators, i.e., resolve the pointer's position to an accuracy of about one-fifth of the gage's stated minimum graduation value. And analog dials enable the machinist to observe the direction his process is headed. If reading #1 indicates 1/5 of a grad over zero, reading #2 is precisely zero, and reading #3 is 1/5 of a grad below zero, the user may be able to draw valuable conclusions about the condition of his tool. In other words, dials can provide more information than simply the dimensional measurement. An early digital readout would have read zero in all three cases, depriving the user of this additional information.
             熟練操作者也可以通過(guò)機械指示表 “估讀”,即,將指針的位置解析為測量器規定的低分度值的五分之一。模擬指針使機械師能夠觀(guān)察過(guò)程走向。如果1號指示表的讀數超出零位1/5格, 2號指示表恰好是零, 3號指示表讀數低于零位1/5格,使用者可以對工具的狀況得出有價(jià)值的結論。換句話(huà)說(shuō),刻度盤(pán)可以提供更多的信息而不僅僅是尺寸測量。早期的數顯讀數,在這三種情況下都將讀取為零,從而剝奪了使用者讀取額外信息的能力。
TechnologyShock and Security
But now give that same operator a digital device that is basically a compacted bench amplifier having numerous buttons, flipping digits, dynamic memories and a bunch of symbols on the dial and he may suddenly go into technology shock. This may be true both for an operator moving to digital indicators, or even newly employed gage technicians as they start working with some new and more powerful measuring products.
             但是現在給同樣的使用者一個(gè)數字設備——一臺緊湊的臺式放大器,配有許多按鈕,跳動(dòng)的數字、動(dòng)態(tài)記錄和表盤(pán)上的一串符號,他可能會(huì )突然陷入技術(shù)沖擊。這技術(shù)沖擊對于一位剛改用數顯指示表的使用者,或者是開(kāi)始使用一些新的更強大的測量產(chǎn)品的新技術(shù)人員時(shí)都是真實(shí)存在的。

Many manufacturers of digital indicators have tried to take control of all this flexibility from the operator by setting up passwords or codes as part of the digital indicator's setup process. The idea here is that once the digital indicator is setup with its tolerances, measuring direction, resolution, measuring mode, multiplier, etc., etc., the password would in effect lock the operator out from accidentally changing the setup of the indicator and potentially affecting the measurement results. This "soft" protection is OK for many applications.
            數顯指示表的許多制造商都試圖通過(guò)設置密碼或數顯指示表安裝代碼以便操作者可以進(jìn)行靈活控制。這個(gè)的想法是,一旦數顯指示表的公差,測量方向、分辨率、測量模式中,比例因子等已設置好,密碼鎖定會(huì )防止操作員不小心改變指示表的設置,從而影響測量結果。這種“軟”保護對很多應用程序都很實(shí)用。

However, many shop floor operators are pretty inquisitive and sometimes this soft security is bypassed. Suddenly, the setup of the gage changes, and with it results are affected.

              For life critical industries like medical or aerospace, having soft security may not be good enough. What's really needed is a digital indicator configured and dedicated to the specific application. In other words, it's ordered for the application with the desired resolution, measuring direction, and multiplier for example. It's like getting an indicator your way. This becomes a factory-set process in which there is no way for an operator to change the indicator's function. In effect it is hard wired for the application.

This concept is not for everyone. As with anything "custom" it's apt to cost more and the delivery will not be off the shelf. But in a critical measuring process where any setup errors may affect the outcome, special dedicated digital indicators may be the most secure method for ensuring trouble-free results.
             這個(gè)概念并不適合所有人。與任何“定制產(chǎn)品”一樣,它會(huì )增加成本,而且也不會(huì )有現貨。但是在一個(gè)關(guān)鍵測量過(guò)程中任何設置錯誤可能都會(huì )影響結果, 對于不允許出錯的環(huán)境,特殊數顯指示表可能是安全的方法。

For life critical measurements some applications may require a factory-set digital indicator dedicated to the application to help prevent operator errors.

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